Tiger Woods won the Masters and the entire world went absolutely wild and this has far reaching implications beyond the world of golf.
It actually is great news for your acting career.
Not too long, he was on the list of the most hated people in America. Now, millions of people held their breathe and were silently rooting for him as he tapped in the last ball.
There is a phenomenon that has swept the globe.
It’s not isolated to the world of sports. It’s everywhere!
Personally, I’m a huge fan of Matt Damon. Practically everything he does is stellar, but recently I realized that my favorite roles that he’s played all had something in common.
Something that surprised me is that America, and frankly the entire world love seeing Matt Damon cry!
While that’s interesting enough, Matt Damon crying and Tiger Woods winning the masters could absolutely light your career on fire and send it skyrocketing.
Here’s how…
First of all, when you do something that hardly anyone else is doing, that’s when you know you are on the right track.
If you want to get the same results that everyone else gets then you do what everyone else does.
Let’s get more specific on that.
When you talk to other actors what do you learn about their journey? What they typically share tends to be…let’s call it a massaged version of the truth.
Auditioning for “man in bar #3” turns into “I’m auditioning for a James Cameron film.”
Man in bar #3 may in fact be a part of the new James Cameron project but the difference in the way it’s presented is very telling.
This is LA. I can’t count the number of times, I’ve made small talk with my Uber driver who turned out to be “in negotiations” with a major studio over his new script. The truth is probably more like, they mailed in a script that was unsolicited and are hoping that someone even opens the package.
This translates to white noise that everyone has become immune to.
CDs, directors, producers and anyone else you need on your side to make big moves in the industry are not swayed by this, because they see right through it.
Things like this are usually an ego boost and I would even go as far as calling it a self preservation tool that we use so we don’t have to admit that we’ve been spinning our wheels in the industry for several years only to have “man in bar #3” be the pinnacle of our achievements after all that time.
Here’s where Matt Damon and Tiger Woods come in to save you time and heartache by putting you on the right track.
What I realized about my favorite Matt Damon characters is that, they are the ones where he is weak.
Linus in the Ocean’s films was the complete opposite of Jason Bourne, for example. He was weak, unsure of himself, jumped at loud noises, and couldn’t make a decision.
This builds a connection with people.
Think about it this way. Would you like someone that followed you around all day and reminded you of how much better they are than you?
No! You would get away from that person as fast as possible, yet so many of us seem to want to be that person when it comes to our acting career, when the truth is that what’s working right now is being genuine.
Everyone loves a rags to riches story because it gives us hope. It reminds us that it’s possible to become what we want to be, starting from where we are.
We also love a comeback story, that’s why everyone when nuts over Tiger Woods winning the masters.
We have all made mistakes and done things that we wouldn’t want to see the light of the day, and when someone that has been at the lowest of lows is able to climb their way back to the top, it too gives us hope.
In fact, sometimes this is even more powerful because we know that while we may be starting at 0, they are trying to make a comeback after going to negative 100.
If you want to send your career skyrocketing, lift the veil and be real in how you approach your career.
Don’t post about going out for the new James Cameron film. You will get a few likes from friends and people that want to see you succeed.
However, when you’re real and post about how much you don’t want to go out for man in bar #3 after being at this for 10 years, you will be speaking to the heart of what so many others are going to and the will lift you up and support you on you journey to success.
I challenge you to put this to the test and see for yourself first hand.
You could continue about your merry way and ignore what you just discovered here.
However, I’m willing to bet that if you read this far, it is because you know something you are doing is not working or at the very least, should be working much better than it is.
You can literally make a decision right now and commit to doing things differently than you have been to this point.
If you change your approach and use effective strategies that are working today, you career could exceed your wildest expectations and surpass things you never even dared to say you wanted to achieve.
I’ve made it easy for you to things differently by creating this.
It is hands down the most effective and powerful tool of its kind.
Not only can it add legitimacy and help you get the ball rolling on your social journey, what’s far more important is that it increases your trust factor to industry decision makers.
I created it so that you could focus on you while, we take care of making you more visible to the industry.
That’s the magic success formula: be genuine and make yourself highly visible.
I’m not saying that you have to choose this, but you have to do something different than what you have been doing up to now.
If not this, then what?
If not now, then when?
Everyone has different obstacles to overcome so feel free to send me an email or leave your questions in the comments below.
I’m always happy to help because my goal is to…
See you the top,