The Professional Actor’s Secret Career Building Weapon?

What we’re talking about today has the potential to move your career forward like nothing else.

There are several reasons for it and I’m honestly not quite sure which reasons are more powerful than the others...

And that’s a good thing!

However, most actors never understand just how powerful it is and they often treat it just like any other role. Sometimes, they even look down on it.

In fact, I’ve come to know two actors over the years that are about as polar opposite as you can get.

One of them looked down on what we’re talking about today. They went on to have a career that didn’t quite live up to the goals they set for themselves.

The other actor really embraced this and understood just how powerful it could be.

They went on to build an incredibly successful career, with this as the launching point that changed everything.

Most actors would think that the latter simply got lucky. That wasn’t the case at all. They realized just how impactful this could be and they built a career that pursued it fully.

See, if you want to be a professional actor, this just might be a shortcut...

Why A Listers Are Great Actors and How You Can Be One Too

The industry has its own way of operating that is unlike anything else in the world. If you really start to think about the way the industry works, you will find all kinds of things that just don’t seem to make sense.

For example, why is it that so many talented actors are passed on when other, let’s call them “less experienced actors” are cast consistently.

That’s something that most actors never really figure out, so they spend a long, long time thinking that if they could just audition for the right person things would change and they would finally get their big break.

That kind of thinking is partially true but only half of it is under your control. See, much like in professional sports, talent cannot be denied.

That’s why A listers are all incredibly talented actors. Talent makes the difference between getting a few credits and building a long lasting career as a professional actor.

The part of this that is nonsensical is that there are many levels you have to work through to make it to the top tier of the industry.

A listers build their career differently. They don’t hope to be discovered and hope to get lucky. They build their careers on purpose and put a lot of effort into refining their skillset.

If you want to be a professional actor, that’s something you have to master too. Here’s where to start...

How To Book Great Characters On Demand

How would your career change if you knew you could book a project with a great character, practically anytime you wanted to?

I know, that sounds far fetched right now and most actors think this is something they can only accomplish, once they have become an A lister.

The truth is that there are many actors doing this, most of whom you might recognize just because of the amount of work they take on, but you probably don’t even know them by name.

They’re actors that have built a career that allows them to work consistently and on projects that most actors would love to be a part of, even though they’re not A listers yet.

Everyone wants to jump from where they are now, to playing a lead in a blockbuster feature.

While being able to do that is absolutely possible, it’s not the way you should plan on building your acting career.

Professional actors build their careers one step at a time, because it allows them to build a career where they’re never really worried about where their next acting job will come from or when it will come.

If you want to build an acting career like this, here’s where to start...

4 Things You Can Do This Week To Take Your Career To The Next Level

With June now over, we are officially in the 2nd half of the year. Before you know if, we'll be ringing in 2023 and most actors will look back over the year and realize that they didn't accomplish anywhere near what they wanted to accomplish.

In other words, most actors will realize that they didn't do much other than pass the time, waiting for their "big break" to fall into their lap.

Unfortunately, the industry just doesn't work that way anymore.
It rewards actors that take responsibility for their success and actively work towards it.

That's not to say most actors don't think they are working towards success. It's just that most of them are using outdated methods and strategies to build their acting careers.

In doing so, they end up spinning their wheels and never really make any meaningful progress.

Successful actors figure out how to breakthrough to the next level, by focusing on what's working right now to make it in the industry.

If you want to build a career as a successful actor, here are 4 things you can do this week to take your acting career to the next level...

Why You’re Acting Career Is On The Wrong Track

What you’ve been told about building your career, is likely the reason you aren’t making the kind of progress you should be making.

At some point, someone in the industry has probably told you to “go out for anything and everything that you are a fit for.”

This is almost always bad advice and it probably came from someone you respected quite a bit...

It’s advice like this that keeps so many talented actors stuck in their careers. If you’ve been around Boost My Star for any length of time, you know that doing the opposite of what everyone else tells you to do is typically a better way to go.

Here’s why...

Let’s say that instead of pursuing anything and everything you were to focus on a particular genre and seek to dominate it. What would happen?

The more face time you get with fans of that genre, and the industry professionals that work in that genre, the easier it becomes to book things over time.

I know it sounds like a longshot and most actors think that this is only something that can happen when you’re already a marquee actor but that’s not the case.

The truth is that, with so much content being produced, there are dozens of genres and subgenres that you can dominate this way, even if you’re new to the industry.

Here’s where to start...

How To Avoid The #1 Acting Career Killing Mistake

If you have been around Boost My Star for any length of time, you know that keeping up with projects that are under development is crucial.

The industry has to match the audience’s preferences when it comes to the type of content they produce and audience’s tastes change over time.

The early 2000s were the age of slasher-horror movies. That time then subsided and ushered in the age of romantic comedies, which ultimately led to studio slates filled with action comedies.

Everything is cyclical and the industry is on the cusp of moving into a cycle with a lot of period pieces under development.

Most people use that term differently than I do, referring to period pieces as projects that take place in the past, usually long ago.

However, I consider anything that takes place in any time other than present day to be a period piece, with exception to a few years in either direction.

This is because culture and mannerisms change constantly and those changes become very evident about every 2 to 3 years.

Most actors make a critical mistake that immediately throws up a red flag to casting directors. They audition for everything as if it were taking place in the present time.

Professional actors don’t.

They are keenly aware of how things change over time and they bring those subtleties to their characters.

That’s a sign of a seasoned actor and casting directors love it! So, if you want to become a professional actor, this is something you have to master. Here’s where to start...

The Only Reason Actors Get Booked

Yes, there really is only one, single reason that actors are ever booked.

If you’ve been around Boost My Star for any length of time, you already know that most actors overcomplicate things by a long shot.

While there are many moving pieces that go into building your acting career, there is only one reason you will ever be booked.

It’s not just you...
The same holds true for every single actor, including world class, marquee actors.

While they can have their pick of virtually any project they want, there is still only one reason they are ever offered those opportunities.

So, if you want to build a career as a professional actor, this one factor alone could be the difference between success and disappointment.

Here’s what I mean...

Dominate Auditions by Creating Complex Characters Quickly

Last week we talked about how to create a complex character by starting with your body language. This works exceptionally well because your body language will dictate how you speak.

This week we are going to talk about how to do it quickly in an audition setting.

Professional actors are very good at building complex characters that prove to CDs how well they will be able to perform the character on set.

Most actors make a critical mistake and it causes CDs to pass on them, before they really get a chance to showcase their talent.

They try to play the character with the limited information they’re given for the audition. This leads them to play it the same way the same way everyone else does.

Professional actors don’t do that and it’s why they book much more often.

If you want to increase how many times you get booked, here’s what to do instead...