The Little Known Way Successful Actors Build Complex Characters

Why are most actors one dimensional? I know that sounds harsh and “artistic expression is subjective so everyone is entitled to their own opinion...”

Let’s be real though, some actors are just much better than others at building dynamic, complex characters with many layers.

Since those are the actors that tend to be the most successful, when they combine their talent with something else we’ll talk about it in a bit, that’s where you should look to for guidance on building your own acting career.

Acting classes can be great, if you find one with an instructor that has the ability to help you layer your characters, but again if we’re being completely honest most of them fall short on that.

It’s not for a lack of trying because the truth is most actors try really hard to create complex, layered characters but they just make it way too complicated.

Professional actors do this instead...

How To Turn 1 Acting Job Into Many

Another month of 2022 has come and gone. After working with so many actors over the years, I’ve realized that around this time, most actors start to really reflect on what’s happened with their careers so far this year.

Most of them, if they’re really honest about it, realize that they are stuck in the same place they have been for a long time.

Coming to that realization causes many of them to simply throw in the towel and leave the industry.

It causes some actors to really buckle down and work harder than ever before. The problem with that is, they continue to do the same things that caused them to get stuck in the first place.

Professional actors are able to build successful careers because they don’t allow themselves to get stuck. They are very good at moving from one career stage to the next.

If you want to become a professional actor, this is something you have to get really good at too. The good news is it’s actually not as difficult as you might think. Here’s where to start...

Becoming an Overnight Success

Have you ever wondered how some actors come out of nowhere and take the industry by storm, seemingly overnight?

One day they’re just another actor no one’s ever heard of and the next, they are literally everywhere.

You can probably think of more than a few examples.

This is something that has always fascinated me and when I talk about it with other actors, they usually have no idea what leads to that type of “overnight success.”

It’s actually a lot more common than you might think.

When you look at how successfully actors build their careers, they almost always pop up out of nowhere.

Sure, many of them spend years and years in the industry spinning their wheels just like everyone else, but the point at which they make the transition from struggling actor to professional actor is almost always instantaneous.

The reason is that they figure out something that makes the difference. They find the key that helps them differentiate themselves and practically forces the industry to take them seriously.

If you want to take your career to the next level this is something you have to figure out too...

How to Build Your Brand as an Actor

Have you spotted the common trend in what we have been talking about over the last several weeks or have you been living under a rock, purposely trying to ignore it?

If you have been following along, it’s been incredibly obvious to see what one of the most important things is to your acting career, considering that we have discussed it in one way or another for quite some time now.

In case you are just now crawling out from under that rock, I’m talking about branding yourself as an actor and how to build a brand that makes casting directors notice you.

Over the years, I have not seen many actors get this right, at least not until wasting years wondering why their career was stalling.

The ones that do get it right, are usually the ones that are able to make big progress quickly and build successful careers.

If that’s something you would like to do too, then you have to learn this...

How To Build Your Acting Career Through Dramatic Characters

Whenever I get the opportunity to talk candidly with actors about the types of characters they like to play, I always get the same answer from almost everyone.

In one way or another, they describe dramatic characters as being their favorites.

It’s understandable. When you play a dramatic character you get to let loose and live in someone else’s world, one that is typically very different from your own.

That’s what being an actor is all about...

However, what I’ve learned over the years is that most actors don’t really grasp the complexity of playing dramatic characters and that keeps them from being cast to play their favorite types of characters.

When you play characters you are passionate about, it comes across in your performance and that goes a long way towards building your acting career.

Professional actors build their careers this way and if you want to be one too, you have to figure this out sooner rather than later...

How To Book Great Characters

Everyone loves playing a great character because you get to show off your range. That’s what being an actor is all about.

Sure, you get to do this in one way or another anytime you’re on set but playing a great character takes it to another level.

It allows you to become the center of an entirely new reality.

Most actors are stuck with characters that get a few seconds or a few minutes of screentime at best and it’s really difficult to build a career that way, even if you are booking those characters consistently.

Professional actors build their careers through great characters because weak characters don’t get much screen time and they certainly don’t make for a great lead.

If you want to become a professional actor you have to learn how to book these roles and you have to be able to deliver a world class performance on set when you do.

Here’s where to start...

What Your Headshots Say About You

When actors decide to get into the industry the first thing they do is put together their headshots.

That’s usually the first big mistake they make.

Few actors actually get their headshots right and it usually causes them to spin their wheels for a long time. Not only is that demoralizing, it’s just a waste of time.

The actors that are able to make big progress in the industry are the ones that put the right pieces together early on in their career.

Your headshot is your first impression and if your first impression doesn’t match what the industry expects to see, building an acting career is going to be an incredibly difficult task.

Professional actors don’t leave things like this chance. They put a lot of effort and planning into putting together the right headshot that can help their acting career.

If you want to make progress and get your acting career on the right track, you need to figure this out too...

What To Do When Your Acting Career Stalls

We are officially in mid March, as of the time of this writing. That means there is no longer an excuse to wait for things to pick up in the industry.

If you are still struggling to get things going in your career, it’s time to start changing things up. Most actors get that part, but the question

When things aren’t going your way, what do you do?

Do you reshoot your headshots?

Do you recut your reel?

Do you enroll in an acting class? Maybe the answer is all of the above...

Well, if you look at what successful actors do, you probably wouldn’t end up doing any of it, at least not immediately.

There will come a time when you realize that you are not making the kind of progress you should be making, and you will start looking for answers on what to do next.

If you’re reading this, chances are, you already have realized it and you’re probably wondering what needs to change to get your acting career to the next level.

The short answer is to do what professional actors do. Here’s where to start...