If you have ever watched one of your performances, chances are that you were probably distracted by something that plagues most actors...
I’m talking about your hands and why they seem to have a mind of their own on screen.
Because we rarely ever think of what to do with our hands, off set, actors tend to think that what to do with your hand, on set, is a small enough detail that doesn’t really require much attention.
So, when you watch one of your performances, you probably end up cringing a bit and wondering why you were rubbing your forehead to show that your character was deep in thought.
You might watch a scene where your character was angrily pointing their finger at someone, but it didn’t quite look right.
How natural is any of that?
Seriously, think about it. When you are deep in thought, do you rub your forehead? Not many people do. It’s a lot more natural to just sit and think, usually looking, blankly off into the distance or at whatever is in front of you.
These subtleties are what separate professional actors from everyone else.
Thinking about the little things is what helps them deliver powerful performances and If you want to be a professional actor, you have to think about them and a lot more too...