How To Get Booked With The New Audition Process Part 2

Over the last few weeks we have been talking about how the industry has evolved and we’ve been going over all the ways that it has grown to adapt to the changing times.

Now we are going to tie a few of those concepts together and go over a brand new part of the casting process.

Most actors don’t even have a clue that it exists, and that means you would have virtually zero competition.

If you truly want to become a professional, full time actor then this could be the opportunity you have been looking for...

How To Get Booked With The New Audition Process

Self taped auditions are here to stay. That’s kind of a given and I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you.

We’ve gone over that in pretty excruciating detail, since this whole thing started a couple months ago.

Really, I’ve been sounding the alarm on that coming industry shift for years, but the industry was forced to address this and adapt to things like self taped auditions much faster than anticipated.

More on that in a bit...

You know Boost My Star is the go to place for information about the side of the industry that no one else dares talk about.

Everyone is hung up on production delays and the uncertainty about when things will get back on track.

While you could make a case for it, if you focus on that, you would be missing the bigger picture and you could be missing out on one of the biggest opportunities to make career progress quickly.

If you take a step back and try to look at the grand scheme, a few things will become incredibly obvious.

For one the industry never stopped moving.

Production deals were made, projects continued to move through the pipeline, scripts were purchased, stories were optioned, agents signed new talent, and series found new ways to wrap up their season.

Even Casting Directors stayed busy and many of them are busier now than they have ever been.

Here’s what that means for you...

How To Deliver an Oscar Worthy Performance in 2020

Let’s cut to the chase. As an actor, you should only be engaged in one of two things at any given time.

When you are on set, you have to be focused on delivering a world class, standout performance.

When you are not on set, your focus should be on doing anything possible to get back on set. That’s it.

Everything else will fall into one of those two categories. Of course, you will have to work on polishing your skillset. That falls into the category of delivering a world class performance.

Sure, you will have to spend some time on your social media and your overall online presence. That falls into the category of getting yourself back on set. More on that in a bit...

Over the past few weeks we have been working on crafting a game plan for how you will thrive in the new industry.

We have also been talking about all of the changes that the industry has been forced to go through and the new regulations and processes that it’s had to adapt to in such a short period of time, and how it affects you as a professional actor.

Thinking that the industry has stopped during this time would be a huge mistake.

In fact it’s moving faster than it has in a very long time and the way you fit into it is changing rapidly.

That’s why we’ve been going over how to simplify things for yourself and apply leverage to where it will actually be impactful and beneficial to your acting career.

Today, we are taking a deep dive into how to turn one acting job, into two, then three or even more. Before we get into it I have to warn you about something...

The Greatest Opportunity for Actors

Even if you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months, chances are you’re still aware of what’s been going on in town lately.

It’s been months since the industry has been on set. Most actors think of it as being shut down, even though it hasn’t stopped moving.

Things are just being done a little bit differently now, and many actors have been able to make huge career moves during this time.

More on that in a bit..

When you look below the surface you can see that projects are being greenlit. Agents are still signing new talent and scripts are soaring through development.

However, productions are still on hold. Even though restrictions have been lifted, shooting hasn’t really resumed yet.

This year has been a rollercoaster so far but there are still tons of opportunities. I’ve said it over and over again: opportunity is born through chaos.

So many actors have been worrying about what will happen with this over and what the industry will be like.That’s the wrong mindset to have right now..

Things are going to be different but as with most things in life, the only constant is change. If you want to come out of this with your career set on the right footing and be ready to set your career skyrocketing, you can’t try to dodge the wave of change.

You have to be prepared for it and brace for what’s coming.

If you do just a few things right, this time could be but a tiny blip on a long and fulfilling acting career.

Here’s what to do right now...

How to Book the Best Roles

Have you ever seen an actor that comes out of nowhere and has a meteoric rise? All of a sudden, they become the industry’s shiny new object and they are cast in everything!

It happens all the time. That kind of begs the question: why not you?

If you are reading this, then you probably have what it takes to position yourself in a way that would have your career skyrocketing quickly.

Most actors think that those “select few” knew someone or had a stroke of good luck and that’s how they were able to get ahead so quickly.

While that does happen from time to time, in today’s environment, it’s actually easier than ever for someone without any industry connections and only a few credits to build an acting career quickly.

And, if you build your career properly you can effectively eliminate the competition and make yourself the only logical choice to be cast. Even auditions could become somewhat of a formality as industry decision makers scramble to have you be a part of their project.

I know it sounds like a giant stretch, but you see it happening all the time. Most actors will spend their time wondering why it always happens for someone else.

Successful actors will instead focus on what they can do to make it happen for themselves.

If that’s you, here’s where to start....

How To Declare Your Independence as an Actor

Have you ever stopped to think of just how many people are involved in a production? Even a relatively small production will involve dozens of people throughout the process of taking something from idea to the screen.

What this means is that, as an actor, you have to depend on people for many things.

You have to depend on writers to come up with great characters and write them well. You depend on producers to find projects, get them funded, and put together all the moving pieces that go into a production.

You also depend on the crew to come through, your fellow co stars to deliver standout performances, and you even depend on distributors to get the finished product out to the world, otherwise no one would ever see it.

You depend on your agent and your management team so that you actually have opportunities to showcase your talent and participate in the industry.

But what if you could declare your independence from everyone, forget about the way everyone says the industry is “supposed to work” and write your own ticket?

What if you could take your career back into your own hands, and control your destiny?

It’s actually a simple process that you can get started on right now...

How to Create Dynamic Characters and Become a World Class Actor

Being in touch with so many actors and industry insiders gives me a unique vantage point on the industry.

It also allows me to bring you the best of the best when it comes to building your acting career.

The last couple of weeks we have focused on the business side of the industry and how to create the most opportunities.

Now, it’s time to switch gears and talk about what to do with those opportunities and how to make the most out of them.

If you have been keeping up with the action steps then you are already quite a bit ahead. If you haven’t been following along, don’t worry. I’ll show you how you can catch up quickly.

See, timing is very important in the industry and there is a window of opportunity right now that won’t be open for long. If you want to make big career moves, the time to act (pun intended) is now...

Why Most Actors Never Succeed and How To Avoid Their Mistakes

What I am sharing with you in today’s report is one of the most important things you can work on to improve your acting career and dramatically increase the impact of your performances.

Few things have this kind of an impact on your career and working on things like this is what takes someone’s acting career from zero to a hundred seemingly overnight...yet, almost no one does it.

That means you can effectively eliminate the competition and basically create a situation where you are the only logical choice. You can create a situation where Casting Directors and industry decision makers have to take you seriously as an actor.

So put your phone on airplane mode, turn off the tv, and shut off any other distractions so you can focus on this right now.

By simply going through this report and putting into action the few key items I spell out for you here, you can send your acting career skyrocketing and make the kind of progress most actors only dream of, and you can do it faster than you ever thought possible.

Here’s how...