The Industry Has Reopened...or Has It?

Unless you have been living under a rock and have completely isolated yourself from anything industry related, you have probably heard that it has finally happened!

Effective June 12th, 2020 the industry has finally been given the green light to “resume productions.”

I’ve been flooded with tons of emails and communications from actors that are besides themselves and incredibly eager to get back on set.

While this is great news, especially considering that just a couple weeks ago people were speculating that the industry shut down would extend until at least 2021.

If you have been around Boost My Star throughout this time, then you know that the term “shutdown” is used loosely.

See, the top tier talent and industry decision makers never really went into shut down mode. Of course, they did have to adapt to the new conditions but by and large, the wheels of the industry kept turning.

What that means for most actors right now is that they haven fallen way behind the rest of the industry who continued operating.

The good news is that whether you need to play catch up, or if you are looking to make big career moves quickly, now is the perfect time...

The past few months are something the industry hasn’t ever really gone through and almost everyone, except for the very top of the industry was severely mistaken about what was really happening.

Here’s why....

The Fastest Way to Get Set Ready

I read an article about a guy that was on a mountain retreat for the last few months. During that time he was completely unplugged, no electronics, no internet, and no contact with the world outside of his campground.

When he returned home his jaw hit the floor when he realized everything he had missed and the state of the world right now.

It’s no secret that there is an insane amount of upheaval all around us right now. I try to keep it at arms length for the most part, because Boost My Star is about you and what you need to do to make huge progress as an actor.

In light of that, I wanted to take today to point something out.

See, I get tons of emails and messages from actors. Recently, I’ve seen the same topic come up over and over again.

There is a huge amount of uncertainty about what’s going to come next for the industry: what it’s going to look like to be on set, how auditions will change, and even if the box office experience will ever go back to the way it was.

Those are all valid concerns and no one, no matter how plugged into the industry they are, has all of the answers at this point, and that’s what is nerve racking for so many.

Over the last several weeks, I’ve been bringing you details about the decisions that are being made for how to reopen the industry, the box office, etc.

For you as an actor, that’s not what your focus should be on.

Regardless of what “the reopening” is going to be like, you have to be prepared for the role you play in it so that you are ready, not rusty.

For most actors, this has been the longest period of inactivity (or at least it should have been) they’ve ever gone through.

The actors at the highest levels of the industry, have found ways to stay engaged and keep their skills sharp.

If you have stayed on the sidelines, in terms of working on your craft, now is the time to get back on the proverbial horse, and this time we’re going through is affording you some incredible opportunities to work on your talent and even to dramatically improve your career...

How Space Force Can Impact Your Acting Career

It’s not The Office, and to compare Steve Carell’s latest project, Space Force, against it would be doing a huge disservice to both.

If you have been around Boost My Star for any amount of time, you know that I am a mega fan of The Office, and as such I was on pins and needles, awaiting the premier of Space Force.

The reviews have been…mostly mixed but that’s not what I want to focus on.

Whether you love the show, hate it, or if this is the first you are even hearing about it is irrelevant in the grand scheme.

However, there is genius is Steve Carell’s performance and there are some very important factors that you have to pay attention to, if you want to create complex characters that come alive.

See, Steve Carell’s performance seems shallow on the surface and that’s kind of the point.

Underneath the simplistic façade, his character is highly layered but the very nature of the type of person he is playing, demands that he is seen as cool, calm and collected regardless of what’s going on around him.

That kind of contradiction is present in many well written characters. If you want to play dynamic characters throughout your career, play close attention…

The Tsunami That Hit The Industry and What It Means For Actors

If you’ve been around Boost My Star for any length of time, you should already know a couple things and this should come as no surprise to you.

The Tsunami of industry activity that I have been talking about for years, has officially made landfall. In case you haven’t heard, Joe Rogan has signed a deal with Spotify for over $100 Million Dollars!

Whether you love Joe, whether you hate him, or even if you have no idea who he is, that deal has huge implications for you as an actor.

You have to look at the big picture and what this means for the entertainment industry as a whole.

Joe Rogan is only the first of the industry professionals/online content creators to be directly bought out and in doing so, it set off a flurry of industry activity.

More on that in a bit.
First, let’s break down what this means for you and your acting career, and how you can capitalize on

this to make huge career moves with your acting career right now...

What Will Happen to Actors After the Lockdown Ends

Everyone in the industry is itching to go back to work. From craft services to actors. directors and everyone else involved in production, we all miss being on set!

It’s a labor of love, after all.

Though the timing of when that might happen depends on who you're talking to, one thing is for sure. Life on set won't be the same for a very long time.

For the foreseeable future, scenes of large crowds will probably move to being added in post, rather being filmed as live action.

Principal actors will probably work around skeleton crews, and most actors and production staff will be wearing some sort of protective equipment around the set.

I've talked to industry professionals that are drawing up the plans and protocols for how to safely conduct a set going forward and that's really the minimum of what we can expect.

However, what you should be focusing on as an actor right now is putting yourself in a position to where you are in demand as an actor, so you have the opportunity to find work and book more acting jobs.

Otherwise none of that matters.

I get emails and messages every day from actors who are looking at things completely backwards. They are wondering how things will change on set while completely ignoring the things they need to put in place in order to have the opportunities to perform in the first place.

Here's what you need to do right now to make sure that you have ample opportunities as an actor on the other side of this crisis...

What No One Is Telling You About Being An Actor in 2020

Saying that we’re living in uncertain times would be a huge understatement.

Because I interact with so many actors on a daily basis, what I’ve realized is that most actors are feeling anxious about what’s coming for the industry and what it all means for their acting career in 2020.

It’s not really a surprise, since useful, actionable information about this is hard to come by.

Being in touch with actors that are going it through it first hand, along with being in touch with the production and business side of the industry gives me a unique vantage point from which I bring you only what is working and getting results for actors right now.

We’ll get to that in a moment.

When it comes to what’s going on with actors, I can tell you there are two distinct groups of actors. Some are just waiting for things to get back to “normal.”

Others have realized that “normal” probably won’t exist for quite some time and have continued to move forward. Those are the actors that are literally getting booked right this moment.

Order comes from chaos and success often comes from a world thrown into chaos as well.

We are going through the perfect storm of opportunity in so many ways, and it is likely (and hopefully) going to be a once in a lifetime event.

Entire industries, ours included, have been forced to adapt decades of change in weeks just to survive.

So, if you want to thrive on the other side of this event and make more progress in your acting career than you ever thought possible, here’s what you need to do now...

TikTok for Actors

Before bringing you the information on this, I wanted to be sure that it would be worth your effort. Even moreso, I wanted to bring you only what’s working right now specifically for actors.

Something that I’ve been getting a lot of questions about since the start of the year, is TikTok.

Most actors, perhaps rightfully so, ignored it for a long time, seeing it as just another app that would have its 15 minutes in the spotlight and be gone before long.

However, it’s morphed into so much more than that. It’s taken on a life of it’s own and that presents a huge opportunity for you as an actor.

In fact, when it comes to building your acting career, I would go as far as to say that TikTok is probably the most powerful of all the social media channels.

This current situation we’re in has served TikTok well and it’s introduced many, many new users to the app, most of whom wouldn’t have bothered with it just a few months ago.

You might think TikTok is for teens, but the biggest user base is the industry’s coveted 18-24 year old demographic. This is why studios are going in on TikTok big time.

The thing is, if you want to be successful on TikTok as an actor and use it to build your career, you can’t just approach it like every other social media channel.

You have to do a few specific things very differently, if you want to skyrocket your acting career using TikTok.

You have to get in on it now, because I’m watching (in real time) as CDs and other industry decision makers are joining TikTok specifically to search for talent.

Here’s how...

How To Get Your SAG Card During the Lockdown

This is probably the most important thing you could be doing right now, grasshopper.

Unless, acting is your hobby, you are already well aware of all of the benefits that come with becoming a member of SAG.

If you are reading this, I don’t think you are a hobbyist. Chances are, you want to be a professional, full time actor. If so, getting your SAG card is something you need to do at some point in your career.

But when is the right time to get your SAG card?

If you want to build your acting career slowly, then you should not focus on becoming SAG eligible.

On the other hand, if you would rather open up opportunities for yourself sooner rather than later, then getting your SAG card is of the up most importance.

After being in some sort lockdown for what genuinely seems like forever, I think I can safely say that most actors are chomping at the bit to get back on set.

However, while most people are sitting at home, binging on Netflix and walking the dog to get their minimum 20 minutes of sunshine once a day, there are also actors who are taking the opportunity to build their careers.

They don’t just want to go back to business as usual, they want to skyrocket their career.

If you want to make big career strides, after everything is said and done, here’s what you can do during this time, to become SAG eligible and get your SAG card...