The Biggest Mistake Nearly All Actors Make

If you are making this common mistake during an audition you can kiss goodbye any chance you may have had of booking.

This mistake is so common that nearly all actors do this throughout their entire career, and that’s why most struggle to make even the slightest bit of career progress.

In fact, there are a few things you can do to kill your audition and most actors are completely unaware of them.

If you’re not careful and discerning about how you choose to listen to, it could actually sound like good advice.

So, in today’s report I’m going to break them down for you so you can stop making these mistakes and start making real progress in your career.

How To Act for The Horror Genre and Unlock Tons of New Opportunities

With Stranger Things renewed for a fourth season recently and Halloween in a few days, it’s the perfect time for us to talk about acting for the horror genre.

There is a distinct difference between, horror, action and suspense though a good horror project will invoke all 3 but at different times. Knowing the difference between the 3 emotions will enable you to supercharge your performance.

However, not knowing and accurately calling on the right emotions at the right time is what makes a horror performance turn into a comical one.

While, the job a director is typically to keep you on track and guide you on thing like this, you can’t rely on them for such subtleties as this.

It takes a world class director to be able to provide adequate direction on the differences.

It’s such a popular genre and there are tons of opportunities available, especially if you are still a bit new to the industry.

Whether you are new to the industry or if you have been trying to make a name for yourself for a few years, but are not seeing the kind of progress you want to be experiencing, the horror genre can change that for your quickly.

Here’s why...

The Little Known Secret to Building a Long and Rewarding Acting Career

You can’t be in the industry and not study classic shows like Seinfeld, Friends, or more recently The Office.

Long running shows like this are what make the entire industry possible, since for every Seinfeld that sells distribution rights, for a half billion dollars, 3 decades after wrapping production there are 100 other shows that don’t make a single dollar in profit.

More on that in a sec. It actually has a lot to do with whether or not you will be successful as an actor, but we have to cover some other factors first.

Let’s first talk about why these shows are so successful, how to spot them, and most importantly how to get on casting’s radar so you have an opportunity to be cast on the show.

First and foremost...

A Tale of 2 Actors: How To Be Successful and Avoid the Pitfalls That Causes Actors to Fail

If you have been in the industry for more than 18 months, you have outlasted most other actors.

If you are reading this report, you have also put more thought into how to take your career to the next level them most of them ever will.

That also means your career is at a crossroad.

You have been in the industry long enough to have experience some success and long enough to know that first hand that the industry isn’t all red carpets and glam sessions.

Most actors enter the industry completely wide eyed and with a ton of enthusiasm. They quickly fizzle out because they don’t exactly know what to expect from the industry and there isn’t really anywhere to turn to for advice.

There are only 2 ways your career can go.

You either make it or you don’t.

There isn’t much of a middle ground.

Today I am going to introduce you to an actor that made it in the industry and surpassed her biggest dreams.

I’m also going to introduce you to someone whose career went the exact opposite way.

He didn’t make it and is now shuffling paperwork in a cubicle.

This is a tale of two actors. For one it has been the best of times. For the other, it was the worst of times.

Which one do you want to experience?

Fair warning, this report contains some brutal honesty and you should only read more if you truly want to be successful as an actor...

How To Access the Secret Trove of Acting Work With Almost Zero Competition

Being an actor requires passion. Some would say that it requires you to be a little bit crazy too.

After all, there are not many people who would spend weeks working on an audition piece, fight LA traffic, just to wait in a crowded room with 30 other actors who are there for the same reason you are, trying to get the same role you are.

If all goes well, you will get 3 minutes with the Casting Director, followed by weeks of radio silence while you wait on pins and needles to hear if you got a call back or not.

Yes, doing this, being an actor does require you to be a little bit crazy but it’s the good kind of crazy that people tend to call being passionate.

Some actors (the crazy-crazy ones) get a rush out of this. The rest of us dread the process.

We may not admit it or even dare to say it out loud, but deep down inside the thought of going to another audition with 30 other actors waiting to be seen, kills us.

While every good actor does enjoy the competitive side of the industry, it’s really gotten out of hand lately.

A little bit of healthy competition is great.

Actually, let me rephrase that!

Winning when there is a bit of healthy competition is great, but being one of dozens of actors in the room isn’t great. It also means there are dozens more scheduled to be seen and the chances of your standing out are slim.

It’s a big waste of time, even if do end up getting the part in the end. More on that in a bit.

What if there was a way that you could get tons of auditions and book acting work with almost no competition?

What if you could be 1 of 3 actors in the room, rather than being 1 of 30?

See, there is a hidden in plain sight, not so secret, treasure trove of ready to book acting jobs that not even 1 actor in 100 are taking advantage of.

If you are self representing, I know you are not taking advantage of this yet. If you have an agent, chances are they are not doing this either...

The Secret Audition Killer

If you have ever been part of an auditioning workshop, then you know that most of the time is spent working on the big picture skills.

A lot of effort goes into using the right inflection points when you read, making sure your facial expression is on point, and learning how to quickly block a scene so that your performance stands out from the crowd, without being awkward or overbearing.

That is the problem!

See, everybody spends a lot of time doing this, so Casting Directors don’t use the big picture skills as a primary casting factor.

They have to look past it and focus on the more granular skills and the finer points of acting and auditioning.

What you think is helping your auditions, may actually be what’s holding back and what is keeping you from booking more often.

Keep reading to find out how to conquer the secret audition killer and book more jobs, more often, so you can finally make real career progress...

The 2 Types of Agents

We all remember that nervous-excited feeling we had when we walked into the office for our first agent meeting.

I don’t know about you, but personally, my first agent meeting was completely terrible! My headshots were bad, my resume was a bunch of filler and fluff that I tried my best to make sound impressive.

I was a nervous wreck and I’m sure that it came across.

In retrospect, I probably shouldn’t have even been allowed to meet with the agent. Also in retrospect, I dodged a bullet that day by being passed up for representation.

Because most agent contracts have a 1 year term, that would have meant that I would have been signed with an agent that wasn’t fully invested in my success, and I would have been stuck with him for 12 whole months.

That’s about a decade in “industry” years.

See, over the years, I have come to learn that there are only 2 types of agents. There are agents that are dealmakers and agents that are deal takers. We’ll get into what that means and how you can identify what type of agent you have, in a moment.

For now, suffice it to say the first is good, the former can literally sink your career.

A dealmaker type of agent is one that will actively work for you and have a vested interest in your career. You and your agent will be partners in your journey to building a successful acting career: think Ari Gold and Vince or Jerry Maguire and Rod Tidwell.

This is the type of agent you need to have in your career, if you want to be a successful actor.

Here’s how to find an elite, dealmaker type of agent, even if you only have a few credits right now and no one knows you...

How To “Reely” Skyrocket Your Acting Career

Would you rather wait 10 years to start making real progress in your acting career, or would you rather be successful right now?

If you have a pulse, the answer to that would be obvious. Now one wants to wait for success to happen, but there is a huge problem!

Every step of the way we are told that we must wait our “turn.” The ways we are told and made to wait are countless, especially for actors.

We’ll get to that in a moment.

First, I want to clear something up.

The best things don’t come to those who wait. They come to those who seize opportunities.

Those things include getting more quality auditions, so you can stop going to open calls and waiting for sometimes hours on end, just to get 2 minutes with a CD’s assistant.

When you seize opportunities, you can also open doors to things that most actors can’t even imagine, like being asked to work with production teams over and over again, or having top tier agents pursuing you.

The secret to having a long and lucrative acting career is not what you may think...