I Apologize In Advance... The Industry’s Dirty Little Secret

Have you ever heard someone say that you have to “pay your dues” before you can succeed in the industry?

Did something about that just not sit right with you?

Because you are a part of the Boost My Star tribe, I feel it is my obligation to be completely honest with you, even when the truth is somewhat inconvenient.

The truth is that “paying your dues” is a concept made up by actors that cannot push their careers forward. It’s a way of justifying a lack of progress.

You can either have excuses or you can experience success.

I’m guessing that, because you are here reading this report, you are choosing to forego excuses and looking for the opportunities that will lead to success in your acting career.

See, the whole “paying your dues” concept is one of the industry’s dirty little secrets and the truth is that having a career that exceeds even your wildest dreams isn’t just within reach. You can have it in an instant.

A few days ago, I heard from an actor that did exactly that.

Her story is great, but the best part is that you can do the exact same, right now and sky rocket your career almost instantly too. Here’s how...

How to Get More Auditions and Be Booked For Gigs You Actually Want

He was the epitome of taking “the road less traveled by.” 

He was my acting coach and one of the greatest people you would have ever met. I unfortunately attended his funeral a few years back but I was delighted to see hundreds of people, most of them actors and other industry professionals. 

I have made it my mission to document what I learned from him, so that it will be available for actors everywhere. 

For starters, here’s one of the most important and impactful things I learned… 

As actors, we love to work our craft. There’s nothing like the feeling you get from being on stage or in front of the camera. 

However, it’s easy to overlook working on our craft because we are constantly looking for the next set to hop onto. 

While there’s nothing wrong with this and you should absolutely do this every day, that’s only half the equation. The wrong knowledge and talent combined with the right mechanics will yield a terrible result. 

Simply stated, imagine taking a super talented actor, throwing them onstage and telling them to sing any song they chose. What do you think the outcome would be? 


How To Get Your Acting Career “Unstuck”

One of my mentors told me really early on that “most people overestimate what they can do In 1 year and underestimate what they can do in 3 or 5 years.”

This has been true for just about every actor I have ever met. Even when we modestly trim our goals to make them more “realistic” when telling someone else about them, we still tend to do this.

If you feel like you have been trying to get ahead in the industry and feel like you are not making the progress you should be making, you could be coming right up to the edge of accomplishing everything you have ever wanted to accomplish in the industry and more.

What will determine whether you stay stuck in your acting career and continue to spin your wheels or whether your career will take off like a rocket, is not what you may think.

Here’s why...

What Type of Actor Do You Want to Be?

When you first decided to become a professional actor, what did you set out for?

Was it the fame, fortune and fanfare or did you really just want to be a working actor who gets to be a part of interesting project?

If you are reading this, then you are a part of the Boost My Star tribe, and you know that I interact with tons of actors and industry decision makers every day.

What I find out from them is sometimes difficult to comprehend, because it is not always aligned with what we feel on a surface level.

Fair warning: we’re going to go deep with this report because it’s that important!

See, you can’t achieve your ideal career until you know exactly what that it is and have a plan to make it happen.

Most actors, nearly all of them actually, just float from one audition to the next. Every now and then they land a part with a few lines, spend a day or two on set and then, go back to audition grind.

The most successful actors, don’t do this.

Here’s why...

2 Changes You Must Make to Be a Professional Actor

“You call yourself an actor?”

My heart sunk. I had been working on the scene for weeks and I was so excited to finally get feedback from my acting teacher, and that is not what I was expecting to hear from him.

In retrospect, it was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I’ll always remember the look on his face when he asked me that. He was completely serious, and I immediately knew that it wasn’t intended as a joke, even though I chuckled.

To this day, I can’t exactly identify what that look was, but I knew I didn’t like it. Over time, I came to know exactly what he meant.

I respected my acting teacher very much, and I hung to every word and every critique.

This was probably the biggest one and almost no one else in the class caught the deeper meaning. Those that did, went on to build incredible careers and have participated in some amazing productions.

Over the last few years, I have begun sharing that message and what I learned from my acting teacher with members of our Boost My Star tribe, and those that have taken it to heart have enjoyed massive success in their acting careers too.

If you want to be successful as an actor, it all comes down to 2 things...

How To Access The Secret Treasure Trove of Acting Work

Do you have predictability in your acting career, or are you just kind of winging it from day to day?

Answer that questions honestly.

Nearly every actor I have ever met, is winging it, so don’t worry!

If that’s you too, it is not your fault!

There are not many people in the industry that actually have a clue about what is working right now, to make it as an actor.

This leaves us piecing together, random bits of information and advice which, well intended as it may be, is usually coming from colleagues that are in the same position as we are.

That’s why I created Boost My Star and pledged to make it all about the side of making it in the industry that no one else dares talk about.

For example, there’s a source of acting work that all of us have access to, but very few actors actually use it. Some of those that have used it have gone so far as to call it a treasure trove of acting work.

If you want to be a working a lot more than you currently are, let’s get real for a bit...

The Truth About Your Acting Career

Last week was one of the most important weeks for actors and it presented incredible opportunities, if you paid attention and took action.

You probably didn’t even hear a word about it around town.

I’m not referring to pilot or episodic season, so most actors have no idea what I’m talking about...and that’s why most will never make any significant career progress.

Before we dive in, I have to be honest. You may actually want to skip this report.

I deliver some inconvenient, if not harsh truths and it’s definitely not a “fluff” piece full of motivational platitudes.

Instead, this report contains real world strategies about what is working right now to make it as an actor.

So, if you are ready to finally make real progress in your acting career, there’s something you should know...

How To Get More Auditions and Book More Acting Jobs in 2019

The industry is changing. If you have been around Boost My Star for any length of time, you have heard me say this at least a thousand times.

The problem is not that the industry is changing, it’s that actors are not changing with it.

If you think of your actor friends, and the way almost everyone approaches the industry, you will notice that they all approach it the same way.

Enroll in acting classes or improv, find agent, wait for phone to ring. That’s pretty much how it goes for almost all of us.

However, if you are still acting in 2019 you have to change the way you do things.

If you want to have a long and prosperous career as a working actor you simply cannot afford to do what everyone else does. Doing so will get you the same results that everyone else gets, and most actors are on their way out of the industry, about as soon as they enter it.

The industry is undergoing a massive shift and getting more auditions, especially more quality auditions, is crucial to your success as an actor.

More than ever, you need to deploy every advantage available to you, and what I’m about to share with you will give you a huge advantage!

Let’s start with the 1 super simple change you can make right now that could lead to you getting tons more auditions immediately...