Have you ever heard someone say that you have to “pay your dues” before you can succeed in the industry?
Did something about that just not sit right with you?
Because you are a part of the Boost My Star tribe, I feel it is my obligation to be completely honest with you, even when the truth is somewhat inconvenient.
The truth is that “paying your dues” is a concept made up by actors that cannot push their careers forward. It’s a way of justifying a lack of progress.
You can either have excuses or you can experience success.
I’m guessing that, because you are here reading this report, you are choosing to forego excuses and looking for the opportunities that will lead to success in your acting career.
See, the whole “paying your dues” concept is one of the industry’s dirty little secrets and the truth is that having a career that exceeds even your wildest dreams isn’t just within reach. You can have it in an instant.
A few days ago, I heard from an actor that did exactly that.
Her story is great, but the best part is that you can do the exact same, right now and sky rocket your career almost instantly too. Here’s how...