The Secret Playbook For Getting Booked

We’re about to go into September and something has to change! Most actors have been stuck on the starting line for what seems like forever.

A few actors however have been making huge career leaps, even as the industry has come to a seeming standstill.

It’s easy to sit on your hands and wait for things to come your way but if you truly want to become a successful, full time actor then I think you are the kind of person that likes to go after and achieve big goals.

Even when the odds are stacked against you, you must be the kind of person to keep your nose to the grindstone and keep at it.

After all, you knew that going into the industry.

Recently I’ve noticed that many people, who under any other circumstances would have been the type to blow past any obstacles that stood between them and success as an actor, have been letting things just happen.

I get it.

Times have been different and it seems like every little glimmer of hope we get is shortly followed by more doom and gloom about what’s coming.

When you look at the broader industry though, you have to see that the wheels never stopped turning.

Things just took a turn and went another way.

In other words: an obstacle presented itself and the industry found a way to stay alive. What has followed since has been one of the most highly concentrated periods of activity the industry has ever seen.

And it’s just getting started!

I shared something a long time ago and the stories of success I heard back from actors were completely mind blowing.

The kind of progress they made was impressive by anyone’s standards. Now, in this new industry environment what you are about to discover is going to take actors from being completely unknown, to being industry powerhouses in the blink of an eye.

I know it sounds like hype, but when you fully understand it, you can easily see why this is so powerful and effective.

I wish I could credit myself as having created it but it actually comes from the top levels of WME and other industry majors.

It’s straight from their playbook on how to launch new talent and revive flailing careers. Before we get into exactly what this is, let me ask you a question... 

If you could shortcut your way to being successful, would you do it?

Would you be willing to take the road less traveled to get there?

Good, because this unlike anything you have ever heard about what it takes to succeed as an actor.

Casting Directors are actually like gatekeepers. They protect production’s time, as they screen for the best candidates and issue their recommendations about who might be the most suitable.

However, when you get to higher levels of the industry (where you want to be) the process is different.

Sure, even marquee name actors are asked to read to make sure the cast has the proper synergy and so one but when they read the part is theirs to lose.

That’s a completely different dynamic than where you probably find yourself now, when auditioning.

You are starting at the ground level and trying to climb your way up to where the high level decision makers are. The Casting Directors are what stand between you and them.

But, what if you could bypass them altogether.

Or, what if they opened the proverbial gates for you when they saw you coming and ensured that you made it through?

That’s what we’re talking about today: either getting the CDs on your side or bypassing them altogether.

Here’s how...

Lately, we’ve been talking about how you have to get Casting Directors to trust you as a person, as much as they trust your acting skills, if you want to have any sort of chance of booking.

That kind of begs the question: how do you get them to trust you. Simple.

It’s just the same way that you would build trust with anyone else. Demonstrate your ability to perform the desired task.

We all have that 1 friend that can’t get behind the wheel of a car without hitting something. How comfortable would you be loaning them your vehicle?

You probably wouldn’t be very comfortable with that at all.

However, if your mom asks you to loan her your vehicle for a few hours you probably wouldn’t give it a second thought.

After all, she probably spent over a decade driving you dance class, rehearsals, and little league.

In other words, she has demonstrated that she is trustworthy behind the wheel.

That’s what you have to do for decision makers as well. You have to demonstrate that you are trustworthy on set.

The Demonstration of Powers Pack, does just that.

It’s a literal (or in some cases digital) package that precedes you and demonstrates your acting “power” along with instilling trust.

Let me be clear, this goes beyond simply sending out your headshot and a copy of your reel.

You have to get creative with the contents and what you put together and it should be on theme with whomever you are trying to reach or the project you are trying to get hired on to.

For example, there is an actor who was really wanting to get into a new project but her agent couldn’t get her an audition slot.

The project was about messengers carrying top secret orders between allied positions, behind enemy lines during World War II.

What she put in her pack was pretty creative and it immediately caught production’s attention.

She had her headshot and resume printed on a poster sized scroll and made it look distressed by (no joke) running over it with her car a few times and stopping it into the dirt a bit.

She then put her audition reel on a USB drive, along with a scene she prepared just for this. It was attached to the scroll and then rolled up tightly into a canister that was then sealed with wax and stamped, just like the messages that were passed long ago.

Then, she hand wrote a letter to the intended recipient (the director) cryptically stating why she was a perfect fit for the role. It too was wax sealed and stamped.

The package was then couriered to the production office and placed directly in the director’s hands.


No assistant ever screens packages, but they routinely toss out unsolicited submissions and thank you cards.

The director was overtaken with curiosity, so he read the letter, reviewed the headshot and resume, watched the reel, and then called her directly to ask her to read for him.

She ended up booking the part in a fantastic project and she has now been working with the director on other projects as well.

She’s not the only one to do it.

This is how industry powerhouses launch new talent and revitalize careers as well, except they don’t have to use the added element of creativity to get their talent in the door.

Therein lies your edge and your opportunity. Every other actor in town is trying to break through and succeed using the wrong methods. The Demonstration of Power Pack can help you bypass that and reach the people you need to reach, to make the moves you need to make, so you can skyrocket your acting career.

Another key piece of this is that you need to have one of two things in place, to support the idea that you are a true professional.

You either need to have a body of work to point to that precedes you or ​you need to have a stellar industry reputation that matches your goals.

Otherwise it might just come off as being clever but it won’t get you anywhere.

Your reputation and industry status is what will tip the scales in your direction, so be sure that you are putting some focus on that now more than ever.

Click here to see how I can help.

Even though the industry has changed dramatically this year, it is still in a risk averse mode and Casting Directors and industry decision makers at all levels are doing the necessary due diligence on talent, before moving forward.

They want to know that only positive attention will come to the production, by having you involved.

Remember, especially in the industry, perception is reality. So, if you ​create the perception that you are a hard working industry professional , even if you don't have very many credits yet.

That will go a long way towards building your acting career.

It only takes one domino to fall in your favor and the rest are likely to follow, because success begets success and everyone wants to be associated with the next big thing.

So what are some projects you have really wanted to read for but haven’t been able to?

Is there someone you would really like to work with that you would like to get in touch with?

Come up with a list of a few of them and then draw up a few ideas for your own Demonstration of Power Pack.

If you need someone to bounce ideas with, remember I’m only an email or a comment away. I’m always happy to help however I can, because I truly can’t wait to...

See you at the top,