Is This The End of The Industry?

We can talk about the following on a few different levels. We can either go on an esoteric tangent or we can talk about the here and now: the things that you can see and experience.

Let’s focus on the here and now because major things are happening for and to actors right now.

I was once told that reality is plastic. You can mold it and shape it to suit your needs and desires. As an actor, those words are something that should always be in the back of your mind on set.

As it relates to building an acting career, those words carry even more importance.

There’s a ton of uncertainty in the industry right now and many actors are finding themselves with lots of questions and few answers.

However, there’s a small group of actors who are literally booking projects at this very moment and you can be one of them too.

Here’s how...

The big problem actors have right now has nothing to do with government orders or regulations.

The real issue is, if you were to ask 100 actors what they are up to during these crazy times, 99 of them will tell you practically the same thing: Netflix, workout, news binge.

On any given day, this would get in the way of your success. And, when you look at things objectively...this is what most actors do on any given “normal” day.

Sure, they throw in an acting class in every now and then and go on auditions sometimes, but the core activities stay the same.

If you want to actually build an acting career, you are going to have to do things differently. First, you have to realize that it’s not business as usual. That may be the understatement of the year, but it brings us to the next point...

If it’s not business as usual, then what is it? It’s a whole new world!

Last week, I brought up the subject of self tapings and how they are poised to replace traditional auditions for many reasons. It was bound to happen at some point and the current crisis is merely accelerating it.

Here’s something you need to be highly aware of right now.

The following may sound harsh but succeeding in anything worthwhile always has it’s share of moments when you have to get real about things and leave the politeness aside.

If you ask your industry friends what they have going on right now, and you get variations of the Netflix, workout, news binge routine, it’s probably time for a new circle of friends.

Seriously, follow through on this right now. A simple text to just 5 of your industry friends will do. Then, follow it up with an honest look in the mirror.

Whether you are an actor, director, producer, acting director, makeup artist etc. the industry is a labor of love which means you can’t simply turn it off because you are stuck at home.

So, everyone who loves what they do in the industry is still pushing along. Have some productions been delayed? Of course!

Are studios shuttered at the moment, hampered by government orders? Yes. Are Casting Directors still casting? 100% yes!

There’s a content storm brewing and that can be a very good thing for actors that are prepared. Netflix, Amazon Studios, and Hulu are going to have to ramp up their content productions dramatically to keep subscribers when this is over.

You may have missed it, but Internet Service Providers are being asked to stream in lower definition because the internet grid is highly stressed with so many people streaming basically 24/7.

This means, their content libraries will have to be refreshed and projects will be greenlit and fast tracked in record time.

Beyond that, studios are finally getting to test out the public’s reception to streaming movies at home in lieu of going to the theatre.

Mark my words, that will become the standard as contracts between studios and distributors reach expiration.

That will further drive the demand for fresh content. It won’t replace the box office altogether of course, but it will drive demand higher since the access to new releases will be much easier. That will mean the studios will be forced to expand their slates.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg and you do need to position yourself properly to benefit from this as an actor.

Things have been changing for a long time as the industry has tried to make data driven decisions about projects as well as casting. This is just accelerating the pace of that.

See, there are huge things that most of just miss. For example, when you pause a scene and click on the “X Ray” feature in Prime video to learn more about the actors, those interactions are logged for reference.

Not only does it impact your recommended viewing list, Amazon Studios is using that data to influence casting decisions.

And, it’s not limited to them. Every streaming network has the ability to collect that kind of data in some way.

Since IMDb is a part of Amazon, they just happen to have the most advanced features and are best able to use that data.

That’s why it’s becoming more important for you to place your attention here and make sure that your STARmeter matches your goals.

Beyond that, what is really setting actors apart form one another right now is their ability to keep up with the pace of change.

Everyone knew years ago that social media would play a big role in the industry. Those who have put real effort into figuring out what works and what doesn’t work on social media (to build an acting career) are now reaping the rewards of that.

As the industry moves more and more towards things like self taped auditions, your online presence will make the difference between being cast or being looked over. Here’s how I can help.

Remember, the industry hasn’t stopped. And we have seen in the past, it won’t slow down to let anyone catch up either.

So, while you’re stuck at home don’t let yourself get stuck into a routine that doesn’t benefit your career.

Instead, try to do at least 1 productive thing every day.

Set up your self taping station, reach out to your industry contacts and stay top of mind, shoot a one person short film, or do anything else that keeps your momentum going and your skills sharp. Here’s a great place to start.

You can even get your new headshots done right now (and probably get a really good deal on them too).

So, how will you be spending your time? Let me know in the comments below or send me an email. I’m always here to help.

Boost My Star is going to stay fully operational during this time too, so I can support you. My goals haven’t changed, and I still hope to...

See you at the top,