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How To Skyrocket Your Acting Career in Uncertain Times

It seems like the rules of everything have changed. At a time when even leaving your house comes with some type of “conditions” it can be really tough to see the things that are still the same as before.

Let’s be honest, normal life may seem like it was ages ago, when in reality it’s only been weeks (not that it’s much of a conciliation).

Since this situation started, the world has been kind of like a time warp. For some, days seem like weeks, and for others days are happening in the blink of an eye.

Last week, we talked about a group of actors for whom, this time has been the greatest career expansion they have ever experienced.

They are auditioning much more often than they were before. They are also auditioning for bigger parts and making huge career strides.

Everyday, I get multiple emails from actors with good news about their bookings.

In just a moment, I’m going to tell you how they are doing it when all you hear about is how the world has come to a standstill.

First, you have to realize that this isn’t happening to them by accident...that’s the good news, because it means that you can absolutely duplicate their success and advance your career right now too.

As much as things have changed recently, and no matter what else might be coming down the pipeline, success leaves clues and it’s formulaic.

If you follow the formula, and keep your eye on the prize, failure is not an option.

So, turn off the TV (yes turn it fully off), turn off notifications and give this your full attention for just 2 or 3 minutes, because it has the power to impact the next 20 or 30 years of your career.

Can I be honest for sec?

The most successfully people in the industry seize moments of opportunity, and we are in one right now. Don’t misunderstand what I’m saying, it is a very serious situation and what we are talking about has nothing to do with exploiting the situation or anything like that.

What I mean is that most people are hiding right now.

Quite literally in most cases. Not only are we being asked to remain at home, many if not most of us have retreated into the 24 hour news cycle, Netflix, etc.

I won’t go into all the ways that this is horrible for you.
What’s important is that this has allowed other actors, the ones who haven’t retreated, to be found.

See, the industry is operating with limitations just like everyone else. Of course, here have been production delays, that goes without saying.

However, by and large the studio’s slates remain unchanged.

In many cases, they have actually expanded, and projects are being greenlit at breakneck speed. For streaming services, there is the very real possibility that a huge number of subscribers will leave the service if they find themselves having already watched everything after being in lockdown.

That’s not an exaggeration! The internet grid is literally creaking and being held together with band aids and bubble gum because of how many people are streaming 24/7.

As for the studios, there is an incredible, new category taking shape right now. It’s a category they have tons of projects ready for.

See, for a film to be successful at the box office it needs to have a pretty broad appeal and generally speaking it has to generate tens of millions of dollars to break even.

However, there are many projects that are too ambitious to plug into the direct to DVD or direct to streaming model. These projects also tend to be too narrow for a traditional box office release.

With the studios being forced to bypass the box office right now, and instead create a hybrid category, those projects are being dusted off and put into production.

It won’t only happen with the traditional studios either. Of course, Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu will snatch up many of those projects.

So will YouTube, whose original content has been getting increasingly more ambitious.

Also, don’t forget that Facebook and Instagram are positioning themselves to be producers of original content and these types of projects will be a perfect fit for them also.

These are not fly by night production companies. They are some of the biggest companies in the world and they are dedicating tons of resources to get into the production space.

So, because they are putting a lot into their content, they are also being extremely cautious in their casting decisions.

That’s why it’s more important than ever for you to make sure that your industry reputation matches your goals.

If you want to make meaningful career progress right now, instead of just sitting around and waiting for the situation to pass, it’s quite simple.

Start going through your industry contacts and reach out to them.

Just touch base with them, let them know you are thinking about them and their safety, and include an unrelated “fun fact.”

That could be a recommendation of something for them to watch, a book, a new delivery place you just discovered, etc.

Practically no one is doing this, because they have retreated, so you will be able to rekindle your working relationships with some contacts that you may not have been able to reach otherwise.

Pick at least a few people to reach out to and do it every day. This is also a great time to contact people you would like to work with in the future.

You will be surprised at just how many of them you can reach, when almost no one else is trying.

Just make sure your time is well spent. If you are reaching out to someone (whether it’s a brand new contact or someone you haven’t worked with in a while) they will look into you and what you have going on, before deciding whether or not to respond.

IMDb is the go to place for that information. Here’s how I can help you stand out.

Lastly, to make the most of this time, don’t retreat!

Instead you should be expanding and making yourself even more visible to the industry than before. Casting Directors are still out there searching for talent, so you have to make it easy for them to find you.

The seeds you sow right now are what you will reap when this is over.

So, what is your harvest shaping up to be like? Are you putting the pieces in place to skyrocket your career?

Are you unsure of what to do next? Let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email.

I’m always here to help you keep moving forward, so I can...

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