Getting “The Call”

They say you never forget your first time but the second time is even more memorable. 

Once is a fluke and you kind of get that feeling. Twice, is the start of something! 

So much changes when you get that call, inviting you to read. 

Usually it’s for a project you didn’t even know existed. 

Making this happen for your career is crucial, yet 99 actors out 100 don’t know how to do it. The process is simple, and once you figure it out, you can repeat it over and over again. 

Before we go on, I’m not talking about just any old kind of reading… 

I’m talking about the kind where you are 1 of only 3 or 4 actors considered for the role. 

It’s incredibly powerful because it puts you in the driver’s seat for a change. 

When actors go into an audition, we tend to think and act as if we are in need. Here’s what I mean by that. 

Casting has something (a role). 

You want that role really bad and it shows. As far as relationship dynamics go, that’s not a good thing. You have to be in control and realize that everything doesn’t hang in the balance if you are passed over. 

When CDs ask if we’re ok with the shooting schedule, we blurt out “I’m wide open!” 

That triggers an instant red flag for the CD. They think “why are they not working?” You are more likely to be passed over for a role for being available rather than for having a minor conflict. 

But, when you are called in to read, the dynamics change. You now have something to offer, rather than being in need of a role. 

So when do these situations come about and why would Casting Directors call you in to audition? 

This often happens when a CD goes out looking for the right actor to play the role. Remember, they’re people too and they don’t want to drag out the casting process with dozens of auditions either. 

What’s happening more often is that CDs are front loading the work. They look through online platforms such as IMDb, and even peruse through social media to find the actors that kind of fit what they are looking for. 

When they do this, there are not going to be 30 actors that fit the bill and that’s why you will be one of only a few actors called in to read. 

That’s why your online presence should match your ambition and always be top notch!

So if you want to be the one called in to read, focus your attention on key online channels and put some real strategy behind it. 

Casting Directors want to see your personality shine through. They should come across your IMDb profile and be dying to meet you. 

Even if you’re fairly new to the industry and don’t have many credits, this can be a great equalizer. They will review your resume after their interest has been piqued, so that puts a “weak” resume in a different light too. 

The biggest problem actors have is not talent related. It’s not a lack of experience. 

It’s obscurity. 

If CDs don’t know you, they can’t cast you. 

Get to know them so that you are at the forefront of their mind. Cheryl spoke about this too and how almost no one ever approached her, but when they did she went out of her way to get them a part. 

Once you have built a relationship with a casting director, nurture it! Most of them don’t want to start their next search from scratch and if you prove yourself to be a good actor to work with and keep up the relationship, you will find them picking up the phone to call you in for their next project. 

The first step is to get your materials in order and become visible to the Casting Directors. 

Here’s a quick way to get started on that.

The industry is changing quickly and actors that focus on this are in a good position to see career changes and opportunities like never before. 

It’s also easier than ever to be seen and get on the CDs radar because of this.

So what will you do next grasshopper? Let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email. 

I read and respond to every one that comes through. 

See you at the top, 