As an actor, if you are not constantly looking for ways to sharpen your skills, and stand out in the industry, you will likely find yourself being left behind quickly. Most actors start their journey with the use of improv.
It’s easy to do, it’s fun and it has a low barrier to entry so that’s naturally where most actors start.
Coincidentally, that’s what makes actors move away from practicing improv. They prefer to move on to other areas and techniques instead and many of them never revisit improv again.
However, professional actors don’t take it for granted. They know that improv is one of the fundamental building blocks of your acting career, so they never leave it behind.
Improv not only cultivates essential skills for professional actors but it also fosters personal growth and incredible networking opportunities.
Many professional actors start their careers through improv and if you want to build your career as a professional actor, this is something you might want to revisit too. Here’s where to start...