Using Social Media to Improve Your Acting Career

If you go into an audition and the Casting Director doesn’t ask you about your social media presence, it’s usually not a very good sign.

Even if you are brand new to the industry, you should already know how important social media is to a professional actor.

Some actors owe their entire career to social media. Without having a powerful presence on social, they never would have been able to create the kinds of opportunities that helped them get ahead in the industry.

It’s something that you have to take seriously now, if you want to become a professional actor.

Every actor knows this, but only a few of them actually know what to do on social media to improve their career.

I’m going to change that for you today. Using social media to help your acting career can actually be pretty simple.

The problem is that, today, there is so much content competing for people’s attention, so it’s easier than ever to have your stuff fade into the background and never even be seen.

What worked even just a few months ago, doesn't work as well today and sometimes it may not even work at all.

Social media has changed and if you want to use it to become a professional actor you have to change with it. Here’s where to start...

What Actors Almost Always Forget...

There’s something that most actors underestimate and they almost never work on it, even though it makes a huge difference in whether or not you will be a successful actor.

If they want to make it in the industry, there are a lot of things professional actors have to get really good at,

Most only focus on a few of them, at most.

What I’m about to share with you is one of the most powerful things you can work on as an actor.

Usually, when someone gets stuck in their acting career, they start to work on the wrong things.

They try to sign with a new agent, they try to get into the best acting classes, edit their reel, redo headshots, etc.

While all of that may be helpful, focusing on this one thing could have a much bigger impact on your acting career.

So, if you truly want to be a professional actor pay close attention to what I’m about to tell you...

How To Sign With a Top Tier Acting Agent

Something that most actors obsess over is how to get an agent. Both new actors, looking to get their first agent, and seasoned actors looking to sign with a new agent that can take them to the next level, approach getting an agent the wrong way.

They follow the same steps as everyone else and they end up getting stuck, usually signing with the first (or next) agent that gives them the time of day.

However, if you play your cards just right you can actually land a top quality agent, even if you don’t have a lot of credits yet.

So whether you are pretty new to the industry, or a seasoned actor wanting to send your acting career skyrocketing by signing with a top tier agent, there’s something you need to know...

How To Be A Great Dramatic Actor

“You’re so dramatic!” That may be something you’ve heard a time or two. Off stage, actors tend to be animated because it’s kind of part of being an actor.

So, it’s no wonder that most actors like to play this type of role on set as well. It tends to be animated and plays well with an actor’s nature.

Last week we talked about how to be a comedic actor.

This week we are going to be switching gears and talking about how to be a dramatic actor, which is incredibly important, even if you have no interest in ever playing a dramatic character.

When you do this, along with what we went over last week, you can have an incredible acting range. That’s something you can bring to any character you ever play.

If you truly want to be a professional actor it can be a game changer for you. You won’t believe what can happen in your career when you master this category. Here’s why...

How To Be a Great Comedic Actor

Have you ever watched an actor perform a comedic role and wondered how they were able to play the role so well, when it appeared that they were just being themselves?

It happens all the time because great comedic actors make it look easy!

That’s what causes many actors to think comedy is easy and either brush it off or focus their training on something more “difficult.”

Whether or not you see yourself as a comedic actor, it is something you have to master so you can be well rounded.

After all, even dramatic projects require some kind of relief from time to time.

Given everything that has been going on over the last couple years, slates are shifting and more comedic projects are moving through the production process.

So, if you want to build a professional acting career you may not be able to ignore comedy much longer.

Here’s how to approach comedy and use it to further your acting career...

A Cautionary Tale for Actors

I’m going to tell you a story about an incredibly successful actor who almost threw away her entire career and everything she worked for, just because she no longer wanted to be associated with something that we are talking about today.

No matter how hard she fought it, the industry kept trying to pull her back into it.

Looking at it from the outside, it didn’t make much sense and to anyone who didn’t know what was going on “behind the scenes” it just seemed like she had a little bit of a breakdown.

The thing is, just about every actor reading this right now would have switched careers with her in heartbeat.

When you break down what it was that she was trying to move away from, it doesn’t make any sense but only because she was successful already.

Hardly anyone gets into this category by choice, even though it’s growing quickly and has plenty of opportunities available.

If you want to build a professional acting career, you can’t ignore this any longer...

Most actors have a dirty little secret

It doesn’t matter if you're brand new to the industry or if you have been acting for many years, chances are, you’ve probably had this secret too.

It’s something that nearly everyone in the industry hates to admit, because they feel like their industry colleagues will think less of them.

See, when someone hears that you are an actor, their mind immediately jumps to “she wants to be famous and win an Oscar.”

The truth is that not everyone wants to be a superstar. Before we go any further, I want to be clear on something...

If that’s what you want for yourself, more power to you! Go for it and don’t let anything get in your way.

In some ways, the career path that could lead you to being in the top levels of the industry is in some ways easier. That might sound crazy, and if you want to be a professional actor, this is something you have to wrap your mind around...

How To Build Your Industry Network

Everyone loves a good story about making it in the industry, especially people that work in the industry. It’s kind of human nature.

The most powerful stories about “making it” are the ones where those that make it did it against all odds.

Take Sylvester Stalone for example, at one point he sold his dog because he was completely out of money and he literally couldn’t feed himself.

After Rocky, he was able to go back and find the guy he sold the dog to and buy him back. His story had all the necessary components of a great screenplay and the media at the time ate it up.

In some ways, a lot of the success of the Rocky franchise can be attributed to the struggles he underwent to make it happen and the attention brought to the movies because of it.

We’ll come back to just how powerful that attention can be...

What people love just as much as a good story about “making it” is a story about those who made it together.

True friends are rare as it is. True ​industry ​friends are even harder to come by and anyone that has been in the industry, knows this first hand.

So, seeing actors come up together is incredibly inspiring.

If you want to be a truly successful actor, it pays to have friends in the right places. Here’s how to make some...