Would a call from Martin Scorsese make a good "stocking stuffer?"
Would having even just a few minutes on the phone with someone as accomplished as he is do anything for your career?
This time last year, that’s exactly what happened to a member of our Boost My Star tribe.
By doing what I’m about to share with you in a moment, she was able to get in touch with her idol, someone she would never be able to reach by “conventional” means.
See, if you’ve been around BMS for any length of time, you know that there’s something we believe in deeply: if you do what everyone else does, you end up where everyone else does.
And, that’s not somewhere you want to be, given that most actors are on their way out of the industry long before they even realize it.
Most actors never end up accomplishing what they set out to do in the industry or even get anywhere close to it.
That’s why it’s important to carve your own trail and do the things that no one else will do.
Fair warning, what I’m about to share with you is one of the most effective things you can do to move your acting career forward quickly.
So, if acting is more of a hobby for you, you should probably click off this page here.
But, if you truly want to be a professional, full time actor then this could truly be a game changer for you...