The Forgotten Many

Think of your favorite actors from the 90s and 2000s. Who comes to mind that you wish would make another good movie or get another shot on Primetime? 

Out of respect, I won’t name mine but chances are we share more than a couple names on that list. 

I always wondered what happened to them and why it seems like they never acted again. 

It’s fascinating to look at someone’s career, who has been at the top of the industry. There is a lot to learn from them. 

If you have been around Boost My Star for any length of time, you know that I’m a big proponent of doing this. 

Typically, people study those that are still at the top. 

While that’s phenomenal, there’s a lot to learn from those that have retreated from the industry too. 

In fact, their careers can yield even bigger insights. 

Here’s why…

“Prepare for Something Amazing”

Grasshopper, I was absolutely tickled to write today’s special report for you. I have been following these guys since what seems like the beginning, though their story starts long before that. 

They are “Four lifelong friends who compete to embarrass each other.” 

Season 8 of their mega hit TV show Impractical Jokers premiered a few days ago. They have a feature film set to debut in 2019, and when they are not filming you can catch them at live shows all over the country (and soon even overseas). 

The career moves that they have made so far have been incredibly calculated. There have been many missteps along the way. 

In fact, they almost quit the entertainment business right before they made it. 

Their story is inspiring and also serves as a perfect case study for anyone trying to make it in the industry. 

Here’s why…

The Untold Story of Screenwriters and Your Career

Sometimes things are just too serendipitous to be a coincidence. Things happen almost as if they were preordained. 

I’m one of those people that marks Shark Week in the calendar months in advance. My Shark Week premier parties have become legendary, in fact. 

I’m so fascinated by these creatures that it’s hard for me to do anything else for the entire week. This year was different however… 

After a chance encounter with one of the industry’s most sought after and successful screenwriters, Shark Week turned out pretty productive this year. 

It gave me an opportunity to pick one of the most important brains in the industry and hear first hand some of the most important things to you as an actor, straight from the source. 

Most actors, myself included, often forget about screenwriters and the integral role they play in the industry. Without them, the wheels would simply stop turning. With such a high demand for content these days, they now wield an unprecedented amount of influence. 

Here’s what that means to you as an actor… 

The 3 Things Casting Directors Are Looking For

Abraham Lincoln gave you the best auditioning advice ever...if you were paying attention.

He said “give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and I would spend the first 4 sharpening my axe.” He’s talking about showing up prepared for the task.

Think about how this affects what is arguably the most important part of your career: the audition. Being prepared is not simply about knowing your lines.

You have to know what the decision makers (the casting director) is looking for. They have a very specific set of criteria and are highly trained in spotting 3 skills during your audition.

Do you know what they are?...

The Ultimate Guide To Neverending Work

I’m sure you have known actors that spend more time talking about being an actor, than they spend actually acting. 

You have probably known other actors that just can’t seem to take a break from acting and are always on set. 

Why do some actors keep a full calendar while others barely scrape by? 

The ones that stay busy have figured out the secret to never ending work and you are about to get it too… 

About Your Castability Index…

Grasshopper, what we’re talking about today could kill your career before it even has a chance to get off the ground… 

It could also be the thing that launches your career to levels you never imagined were possible. 

The topic of today’s special report has been around a long time but most of the industry is still unaware of it. There have been rumors but nothing has been verified publicly. 

You won’t hear about this from the union, or even from your agent (that has your best interest at heart). 

Here’s why. 

I’ve thought long and hard about how to say this tactfully, but I can’t think of a way so I’ll just come out and say it… 

The Ultimate Guide to Getting Verified on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook

Grasshopper, I went through a lot to get this information for you. I called in favors and shook every tree to find someone who could give me the real scoop. 

There is so much misinformation out there about what it takes to get verified and I didn’t want to mislead you. Moreover, the “guidelines” that have been made public, are so vague and subjective that I wanted to find someone to clarify things. 

Not a day goes by, that I don’t get at least a couple of emails asking me about how to get verified on social media. 

Before we get into what you need to get verified, let’s go over what you don’t need… 

You do not need millions of followers. 

You do not need to be a world famous public figure. 

You do not need tons of cash to bribe someone on the inside to get you verified. 

This is all you need… 

Turn One Job into Many

What do you do after the director calls the production a wrap? 

Almost all actors go back the drawing board, waiting for their agents to find something else for them to work on. 

Sometimes it may take a few months for the next job to come around. 

But what if it didn’t have to be like that? What if you could continuously go from one production to the next whenever you wanted to?