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Using Social Media to Improve Your Acting Career

If you go into an audition and the Casting Director doesn’t ask you about your social media presence, it’s usually not a very good sign.

Even if you are brand new to the industry, you should already know how important social media is to a professional actor.

Some actors owe their entire career to social media. Without having a powerful presence on social, they never would have been able to create the kinds of opportunities that helped them get ahead in the industry.

It’s something that you have to take seriously now, if you want to become a professional actor.

Every actor knows this, but only a few of them actually know what to do on social media to improve their career.

I’m going to change that for you today. Using social media to help your acting career can actually be pretty simple.

The problem is that, today, there is so much content competing for people’s attention, so it’s easier than ever to have your stuff fade into the background and never even be seen.

What worked even just a few months ago, doesn't work as well today and sometimes it may not even work at all.

Social media has changed and if you want to use it to become a professional actor you have to change with it. Here’s where to start...

Most actors do social media without a plan. First you have to realize why your social media is important to CDs

Casting Directors don’t want to know about your social media so they can congratulate you about the number of likes you’re getting and how many followers you have.

What they are looking for is an actor that will draw an audience. Social media is a huge part of that.

There’s a show on primetime right now that has an ensemble cast of really strong actors. I love the premise of the show and it’s something I would usually tune into, but for some reason I didn’t pay much attention to it.

I didn’t put it on my watchlist until I noticed a particular actor was part of the cast. I knew of this actor from social media and they are the only reason I actually tuned in.

That’s exactly why Casting Directors care so much about your social media.

Here’s how to grow your social following...

First of all you have to post content that people are interested in.

Most actors post just to put something out there, you should be posting to connect with your audience because that’s what will help you with your acting career.

Before you connect with them, you have to get your audience’s attention. So what is content that captures people’s attention?

It has to be more than just a pretty picture.
A simple way to get someone’s attention is to give them something they can interact with.

An easy way to do that is to use the Instagram carousel. Just having to swipe to see the next photo in a series of photos can do wonders.

It shows the algorithms that people are interacting with your content, which is exactly what they want. In turn, they will put your content in front of even more people.

The key to that is to give people a reason to swipe to the next photo.

If you have a set of 3 photos, think of it as a story. The first photo should grab the audience, the second one should keep their attention and give them a reason to take the final swipe.

Just having your photo listed as 1 of 3, triggers the viewer's curiosity. That will help you in the beginning, but you have to deliver interesting content if you want people to continue interacting with your posts.
Most actors think about this and understand it’s a good idea, but then they post a series 3 selfies each with a slightly different pose.

That won’t keep your audience interested. So what will? Here’s how to create interesting and highly engaging content...

The reason people end up with a bunch of food photos and selfies on their social media, is that there is never a plan.

Instead, sit down for a few hours and plan out your content for the next 4 weeks. It doesn’t take a lot of time and you don’t have to start from scratch.

Look at what other people are doing and see what kind of content catches people’s attention.

Your feed doesn’t have to be completely about acting. If you are interested in fitness, for example, use that too! It will help you connect with a new audience and you will find all kinds of ways to relate it back to your acting career.

When you do social media like this it can help you​ get in the room, and stand out from the hundreds of other actors auditioning for the same roles.

Most actors can deliver on set. Where they fall short is in doing the things that will help them get on set. ​That’s why I built this, to help take one of those things off your plate.

There are a number of things you have to be able to do consistently, if you want to become a professional actor. Most actors get overwhelmed because they have to do it all themselves.

So, over the coming weeks, we’ll be talking about how to build a team around you that can help you on your journey to becoming a professional actor.​ Here’s how I can be on your team.

Get started on what we went over today so you can be ready to take the next steps. We’ll be moving fast because I truly want to help you on your journey and I can’t wait to...

See you at the top,