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The Industry Has Reopened...or Has It?

Unless you have been living under a rock and have completely isolated yourself from anything industry related, you have probably heard that it has finally happened!

Effective June 12th, 2020 the industry has finally been given the green light to “resume productions.”

I’ve been flooded with tons of emails and communications from actors that are besides themselves and incredibly eager to get back on set.

While this is great news, especially considering that just a couple weeks ago people were speculating that the industry shut down would extend until at least 2021.

If you have been around Boost My Star throughout this time, then you know that the term “shutdown” is used loosely.

See, the top tier talent and industry decision makers never really went into shut down mode. Of course, they did have to adapt to the new conditions but by and large, the wheels of the industry kept turning.

What that means for most actors right now is that they haven fallen way behind the rest of the industry who continued operating.

The good news is that whether you need to play catch up, or if you are looking to make big career moves quickly, now is the perfect time...

The past few months are something the industry hasn’t ever really gone through and almost everyone, except for the very top of the industry was severely mistaken about what was really happening.

Here’s why....

While productions were put on hold for the most part, how many productions did you see that got creative and found new and innovative ways to finish their seasons?

For example, The Blacklist turned to animation to wrap up its season. It’s a must watch for its originality as well as, well, just for being a great show.

Reality shows also resorted to virtual shoots to wrap up the storylines they started and they also held reunions this way too.

Even entire shows were created that had zero person to person interaction. In other words, they were filmed completely virtual.

See there are 2 sides to the industry, and only 1 of those sides was interrupted. Even so, it was only a partial interruption.

The industry has a business side and it also has a creative side.

The business side was able to conduct its work virtually through email, phone, etc. Most actors never give a second thought to the business of the industry on any given day, and the time we just went through showed just how important that side of the industry is.

If you want to be a successful, full time actor you can’t ignore the business side and it’s a big part of what makes the top tier actors so successful. They have a good understanding of the business works.

They also surround themselves with people that are on the same page.

For example, when you understand the role that a platform and social media plays in your career, you build and use them with a purpose in mind.

However, most actors are understandably stuck in creative mode and don’t fully grasp the connection between the two.

More on that in a bit...

See, without seeing the big picture, it’s easy to miss a lot of very important industry activity and what it means to you as an actor.

While the box office has been closed, that hasn’t been a true measure of a production’s success since the dawn of the streaming age.

It’s kind of like comparing traditional ratings with the success of a series, while leaving out the streaming numbers.

Distributors have also now been given a chance to test the waters on direct to consumer streaming solutions that bypass the box office altogether.

Mark my words, this will be a game changer for the industry and it’s not going to only affect the big studios. It will also give smaller productions a chance to compete because, unlike a brick and mortar movie theatre, the online space is pretty much unlimited.

So, while smaller productions may not be able to attract enough attention to grab 1 of the 24 screens available at a theatre, they can and will have access to “premium” streaming space where they can generate significantly more revenue than they can now. This leads to more productions getting a green light and essentially creating an entirely new category.

The industry has been moving in this direction for a while.

I have been sounding the alarm on these changes for a long time.

What has happened now is that over a decade’s worth of changes has been forced on the industry over just the past few weeks and only the actors that can adapt to it will thrive.

Most won’t.

Most have been using this time to catch up on Netflix and they haven’t continued to put forth an effort into growing their career. If you’re reading this, I don’t think that’s you.

If you are reading this, I don’t think that’s you.

You have probably been waiting on pins and needles to get back on set, because that’s what actors who are truly serious and committed to their careers have been doing.

Most of them, however, have been ​struggling to figure exactly what to do to move their career forward. Start here first.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be walking you through the exact steps you need to take right now to fully seize on the coming opportunities.

Even though the industry didn’t fully “shut down” there is still a flurry of activity that will affect the industry in the coming weeks.

You need to be fully prepared to take advantage of what’s coming by making sure that Casting Directors and industry decision makers consider you to be a full time, professional actor and not just a hobbyist.

When it comes down to it, that’s​ a huge distinguishing factor, and it has a big impact on whether you are cast or passed over.

We just went over why top tier actors surround themselves with people that truly understand how the industry works and have a good grasp on the connection between the creative side and the business side of the industry.

If you want to be ready for when productions fully ramp up again, you need to have people like this in your corner.

Over the next few weeks, that’s exactly what I will be for you.

Before we get to the nuts and bolts of things, ​you need to have this in place. ​Otherwise, you risk putting in the effort to make things happen, only to still be passed over because your industry reputation didn’t match your goals.

So stay tuned as I walk you through this step by step. It will be a great way to make progress in your acting career, so I can...

See you at the top,