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How To Make Industry Decision Makers Take You Seriously as an Actor

Grasshopper, the following is not an exaggeration: your career and frankly your life will literally change the moment you make 1 simple change in the way you approach the industry. 

The industry we are a part of operates on attention. 

The key to winning in the industry and building an actual career relies on your ability to get attention. 

Let’s be honest for a moment. Think of a time when you watched another actors performance in a film or a show and thought to yourself “why did they win the role? I would have been so much better!” 

It probably happens quite often. 

I meet a lot of actors and what is absolutely devastating is that the most talented ones are the ones who cannot book work consistently enough to make this a career. 

The ones that succeed are those that are skilled at getting attention. 

Imagine what would happen, if you combined your talent and became skilled at getting attention. 

The industry would be forced to take you seriously because it is literally what breathes life into the industry. 

It’s easier than you might think and I’ve laid out the simple formula for you to follow in this report. 

A question I get often and something you might be wondering is…

“Why is getting attention so important?” 

Let me be clear, I’m not referring to just getting attention for attention’s sake. I’m talking about getting the attention of key people in the industry. 

I don’t mean that you should ignore the masses, but you do have to be strategic in the way you leverage the attention from the masses so that the decision makers take notice of you. 

Most actors are simply doing 1 thing wrong and if you make this 1 switch, you can practically force the industry to take notice of you and take you seriously as an actor. 

What most actors do when they approach social media, which is the main way to gain exposure, is that they don’t have a strategy for what to do or how to do it. 

They simply post selfies from Sunday brunch or hanging out with their friends. There is nothing wrong with this, just know that it will not have the desired affect of building your acting career. 

You have to make yourself visible to the industry by being known for something. 

As I mentioned in the previous report, the hardest thing to be known for is being an actor. 

It’s difficult to get people to buy into supporting your career because there are so many actors who are doing the same. 

Instead, pick something different that you can also tie into your career. 

Maybe you can podcast film reviews or react to TV shows. 

That is Step 1. 

Then, you must tailor your social media strategy to help you build that “thing.” Whether it’s a blog, a podcast, a FB group, whatever it is you have to switch your social media content to help you build it. 

This will give you strategy and a direction in which to take your content creation. 

The substance of what your building will also endear people to you when they discover you. 

For example, if you are putting out film reviews the people that end up following you will be those that are interested in what you have to say because, 9 times out of 10, they agree with you. 

So, when you have a new production you are working on or auditioning for, they will throw their full support behind you and that is what you can leverage to get the attention of decision makers. 

That is Step 2. 

When you get traction with step 2, you then run a Facebook ad campaign to people who work at the places or in the roles you want to target. 

If you want to reach people at WME, you can target them with a FB ad about your industry related podcast, YouTube show, etc. 

They may ignore your ad the first few times they see it but that’s ok. It takes on average 8X for someone to see something before they take some kind of action on it. 

Imagine what kind of an advantage you would have if everybody in the room at an audition was trying to get cast from having just 1 interaction and 1 single exposure to the Casting Director, while you had been in front of them five, six, seven, or more times because you were running a strategic campaign like this. 

Spend a few bucks a few times and it will make a huge difference. 

That’s Step 3 and it’s the last one. 

Lather, rinse, repeat. 

The only other thing you have to make sure of is that your industry reputation matches your goals. So that if a CD or decision maker decides to look you up, they will find that you are a rising star.

Also, it is much easier to grow your social media channels, when you already have some growth behind you so I built something to help you get the ball rolling there. 

Here are the details on how I can help with that.

You now have the simple 3 step formula for forcing the industry to take notice of you and take you seriously as an actor. 

It’s usually at this point where actors think “this sounds good but do I really have to do this?” 

The short answer is ”no.” 

However, you came to this page for a reason and it’s likely because you know you have to do something different and if not this, then what. 

If not now, then when? 

Whatever course of action you decide to take, remember that I’m always here to help because my goal is to… 

See you at the top,