Getting Past The Guardians at the Gate And What An Audition Is Really About
And What An Audition Is Really AboutI wish we could just watch Netflix and chill, but that’s not the life of an actor.
We meticulously compare ourselves to every actor we see on screen. “Are they better than us? Are they worse?” that is what typically runs through our minds when we try to Netflix and chill.
See, there is a lot to learn from watching those that have made it to the silver screen.
For example, I have been binging Designated Survivor on Netflix. Not only is this not something I normally do (I put it on my watchlist for later), it attacks at the heart of why I normally don’t do not do it!
And, that’s exactly why every actor should be tuning in...
We all dream about being cast in roles that show our range because, let’s face it, otherwise the role gets boring pretty quickly.
When you watch this show (and don’t worry it’s heavy on wheeling and dealing in D.C. but not so much on the politics of it) you get to experience an incredible amount of range from the actors that are on screen.
In a split second they from “I’m the secretary of such and such” to “oh that means my old friend is gone.”
It happens to everyone on screen and you should watch for that reason alone. I realize that other shows have tried to do this, but this one absolutely nailed it!
This is not a promo for the show Designated Survivor.
This show is intended to wake you up to the fact that you need to have a big range...within your character.
It’s not always about switching from one character to the next: your character type also needs it’s own range.
That is what L.A. is not telling new actors.
They are actively looking for it, though they only see things through rose colored glasses. When you go in to read for a role, the CD tries to imagine whether or not you will be able to flex with the role you are reading for.
So, it’s ultimately about the piece you are reading. It’s about whether or not you had enough range within that piece.
Casting Directors will not recommend you to see the director, the studio and anyone else involved in the production, based solely on your reading of the piece you were delivered.
It is but a microcosm in the bigger picture.
What they want to see is how you adapt your character and why.
Casting Directors are the gatekeepers to everything you want to achieve in the industry, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend enormous energy trying to impress them.
Instead, focus on how to display your range of skills to them. That might mean delivering a line subtly out of the way you normally would.
That brings us back, full circle, to why you need to do a Designated Survivor binge.
All of the roles take you through this journey of one second being somber and the very next second being joyful.
One in particular is the leading character (the lead actor). He plays the role of President masterfully, but the vulnerability of someone being thrust into the role at a moments notice is frankly missing.
Study how he could show this throughout the series.
His lines are always delivered deliberately and powerfully.
It doesn’t mean that his performance is bad. Not at all!
I said he delivers a masterful performance. What I want you to study is the contrast and the range in the characters.
When you approach an audition this way, Casting Directors will literally be salivating over you.
This is where actors get it wrong. Rather than focusing on how the character would react 5 steps down the line, they focus on the here and now: which is the piece you are reading.
However, if you think 5 steps down the line, then you will be putting your steps in the character’s shoes and that’s what every CD, director, producer, etc. dreams of.
Even if you deliver an audition that is stellar beyond their highest expectations, the casting office will still want to look into you and determine if there are any red flags that would come up.
It’s called your “Castability Index” and part of it is here.
That’s why I created a way for you to always be the most well rounded actor, with a stellar history to back up your work.
Some actors go from 0 to 100. Most never get off the starting line. I created Boost My Star for those of you that are already running but could the help of a tailwind behind you so that I can..
See you at the top,