Boost My Star

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Are You Making This Mistake With Your Acting Career?

Not a single actor has ever made it by relying on their own efforts alone. The most successful actors have all had something in common...

They don’t go it alone.

They understand that building an acting career goes way beyond what happens on set or during an audition.

It’s a team effort, because there are so many things that have to happen consistently to build a successful acting career.

Professional actors know this and they are really good at building a team of people around them that are all striving to make it in the industry.

While this is something that most actors think should happen one day, those that go on to build a career as a professional actor know it’s something they have to get started on sooner rather than later.

In fact, if you’re not at least putting the pieces together to start building a team regardless of what stage your career is in right now, you are making things a lot harder on yourself and it could be keeping you stuck in your career.

Here’s how to get unstuck and take things to the next level...

I know, you might be thinking that it's too soon to start building a team and you might not really have an idea of how to even go about it.

That’s exactly why you should start doing it, because doing what everyone else does will likely get you the same results that everyone else gets.

Trying to do everything it takes to build a successful acting career on your own, is usually a recipe for a career that never really gets off the ground.

Everyone on your team has a unique role to play and when everything and everyone is working well together, towards the same goal the results will immediately set you apart and casting directors will take notice.

One of the worst mistakes actors make is trying to go it alone. Even just trying to build a career with just yourself and your agent makes things extremely difficult for you.

So how do you build a team around you and what does that even mean?

When I bring up this topic with most actors, they tend to think of the more “fun” team members like assistants, stylists, glam squad, etc.

While there may come a time when those are necessary, what you want to start with are the most essential team members, because they are the ones that can actually move the needle and help you make things happen.

Don’t over complicate it. These are the team members you need and what their roles are

First, let’s talk about your agent. This may seem like an obvious one, because every actor needs an agent if they want any kind of hope of building an acting career.

However, relatively few actors have the right agent on board.

You need to have an agent that believes in you and your career as much as you do. They need to go out and make things happen for you, as if you are their one and only client.

Most agents have dozens of clients so they submit their talent for auditions and wait for someone to be called in.

If that’s the kind of relationship you have with your agent, it’s probably time to think really hard about whether or not they are the right fit for you.

Your agent should be actively seeking out things for you to participate in and follow up with CDs when things don’t work out, so you know what to work on for next time.

They’ll do this along with your manager, another essential member of your team. Your agent and your manager should work closely together.

The best way to find an effective manager is to find an effective agent and ask them about managers they work with.

It works the other way around, if you first find an effective manager, ask them about the agents they like to work with.

It’s important that they have a good working relationship because your manager will work on building out the strategy for your career and your agent will be the one that makes it happen, day to day.

So, when those two members of your team work together seamlessly, things can happen very quickly and even more so when you get public relations involved.

That’s the team member that most actors think will come way down the line, but bringing them on earlier in your career can be very effective.

An effective public relations campaign will amplify the efforts of your agent and your manager by making sure that everything you do in the industry is seen by decision makers.

An effective PR strategy can also help you establish relationships with directors, CDs, producers and other people that can make big things happen in your career.

This is the groundwork that makes everything else you do so much more effective.

The last of your core team members should be a quality acting coach. It always helps to have someone in your corner who will always be objective and give you feedback without sugarcoating it.

Just like everyone else on your team, your acting coach should be the best at what they do and be fully committed to seeing you succeed.

It will take some time and maybe some trial and error, but when you build your core team like this amazing things can happen in your career.

Look back on what we just talked about and imagine doing all of this yourself and doing well enough for your efforts to actually be effective...and then delivering world class performances on set, on top of it all.

Can you see why actors who try to go it alone or try to build a career with just a mediocre agent have such a hard time making progress in their acting career?

You have to work with people who are driven and are actively working to be successful, but you don’t have to be signed to a WME or any other major agency.

You don’t need to share a PR firm with Hollywood A listers either. You just have to find people that are motivated to succeed and to see you succeed no matter what.

I fully believe that if you are reading this, then you have the drive it takes to build your acting so here’s how I can be on your team.

Of course, that’s not to say that you will magically wake up tomorrow with Hollywood decision makers at your doorstep.

Building your acting career can be one of the most rewarding things you will ever do, but it can also be one of the most heartbreaking, if you don’t have a solid plan in place for doing it.

That’s why it’s important to start building your team sooner rather than later.

Having them in place will let you focus on what you do best, while they take care of the more monotonous side of things. That’s why I created Boost My Star, so I can help you with one of the building blocks of your career.

So, do you have any ideas about who you want on your team?

Have you worked with someone that you think would be a good fit? Reach out to them and make contact. You don’t have to bring them on right away, but you should start planting seeds of working together at some point.

Once you build your team all that’s left is to make yourself highly visible to the industry and see the impact it can have on your acting career. Here’s how I can help with that.

As you start this process I’m sure you will have questions and things will come up. Remember, I’m always only a comment or an email away and I’m always happy to help however I can because I truly want to...

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